8th Grade English Quiz
8th Grade English Test
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Category: 8-Reading Informational Text
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Olmsted and Vaux had created their design for the recreation of all people, not just the wealthy. The park was to be a place where all New Yorkers could enjoy nature. Its ultimate design would retain this feeling.
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Today, Central Park stands as one of Olmsted’s greatest legacies.
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Category: 8-Reading Literature
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So two months later, when Sister Mary gave us the essay assignment, it was easy . . . as easy as falling into a pool.
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Wow! And then both horse and rider surfaced, though for the life of me, I can’t recall how they got out of the pool.
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In Garwood, New Jersey, a child picked up his favorite Golden Books and stood outside of his parents’ apartment building, waiting for the school bus.
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