Math Grade 3 Quiz Properties of Operations – 3.OA.B.5

Under this standard, students are taught to use the properties of operations as strategies for multiplication and division. This is crucial in developing flexibility and understanding in mathematics. The key properties include:

Commutative Property of Multiplication: The order in which numbers are multiplied doesn’t change the product. For instance, if 6×4=24, then 4×6 will also be 24.

Associative Property of Multiplication: The way numbers are grouped in multiplication doesn’t affect the result. This means 3×5×2 can be computed as 3×5=15 then 15×2=30, or by first multiplying 5×2=10 and then multiplying the result by 3 to get 30.

Distributive Property: It relates multiplication and addition, signifying that multiplying a number by a sum is the same as multiplying the number by each part of the sum and then adding those results together. As an example, if you know 8×5=40 and 8×2=16, then 8×7 can be found as 8×(5+2), which equals 40+16=56.